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English Food Idioms

Food Idioms

Speakers all over the world love to speak figuratively like comparing one thing to another; this can add fun to language. Sometimes such expressions strengthen the message to be delivered; plus, using idioms can help in producing our messages and intentions effectively  with the least words. Idioms are used by native speakers, so learning to use idioms would make you sound like a native.   

Idioms are a combination of words, or phrases that are used figuratively in speech and writing. We do not understand the meaning of an idiom literally; however, each idiom holds certain meaning associated with it; thus, in order for speakers to learn idioms, they need to be familiarized with their meaning and use . Idioms exist in all languages and sometimes there is an overlap between idioms over languages because people have certain believes, experiences, feelings etc. in common. For instance, English and Arabic languages share a lot of idioms, and the meaning is the same as well. 

English language is full of idiomatic expressions that  are taken from various sources. Here, we are going to take a bunch of idioms that are related to food. 

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The apple of someone's eye

When you want to refer to the person you are in love with, or the one you are fond of, you can use this idiom. 

- You are the apple of my eye. (means you are my beloved)

-  I love him so much, he is the apple of my eye. 

Go Bananas 

This idiom describes someone's behavior as foolish and crazy, or behaving in an angry manner.

- Lucy went bananas when she saw Tom Cruise.

- Don't tell her that her project was denied, she will definitely go bananas. 


A bite of the cherry ( or a second/ another bite of the cherry)

This idiom refers to a chance or opportunity that is not available to anyone or it is so hard to get. It also means you have got a second chance to do something that you failed to do first. 

- I thought that he will be fired after all his terrible mistakes, but it seems he had a bite of the cherry! 

- He is a good player, he deserves a second bite of the cherry indeed.

 A Hot Potato 

Describes a situation or a subject that is controversial; sophisticated, problematic, and difficult to deal with. 

-  Having an argument with someone about their religion and beliefs is a hot potato.

- They abandoned answering the question like a hot potato. 

A piece of Cake

Describes something that is super easy. 

- Everyone passes the exam, it was a piece of cake. 

- The puzzle was a piece of cake, I solved it in five seconds, 

Apples and Oranges 

If we say that two things or peoples are like apples and oranges it means they are quite different and can't be compared. 

- My friend has a twin and it's too strange they are like apples and oranges!! 

- My friend's way of painting and mine are like apples and oranges. 

Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk 

Means being upset or angry about something already happened and can not be changed. 

A- I can't believe that, how can she do that!!!

B-  Don't cry over spilt milk, what happened is happened.

Cool as a Cucumber 

To be calm and relaxed in a striking situation. To have a self-control in any situation.

- How can he be as cool as a cucumber after all these offensive reactions?!

- She was as cool as a cucumber when called out as a suspect of the murder. 

Big Cheese 

This idiom refers to the person who stands in a high position;  the one who has the authority, or someone who is in charge in any field. 

- The big cheese wants to be updated to everything happens behind the scenes. 

- what a stylish outfit!! You look like a handsome big cheese

Bread and Butter

 This idiom covers several meanings: 

-It refers to the work or job through which you get your income or get your money. 

- Teaching online is my bread and butter.

Or, it can describe the basic thing that people need in their life. 

- Family and friends are the bread and butter in anyone's life.  

Cup of Tea

When somebody says that something is his cup of tea it means he likes it  and it is one of his favorites.

- Watching movies at cinema is my cup of tea. (means I like it)
- Reading novels is not my cup of tea. (means i don't like it) 

Spill the Beans 

To tell a secret. To uncover what is hidden.
- Come on spill the beans! I know you have something to tell me.
- Jessy spilt the beans last night and reveals her affair with John. 

Use Your Noodles 

Means to use your brain; to think about it.  

- This question requires you to use your noodles. 

- This riddle is not that much difficult just use your noodles.  

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